ISoo Jeon
A parent’s love 부모의 사랑
Artist's curation:
Is there a love greater and deeper than a parent's love?
It burns with all its heart, shaping me
both sharply and gently,
so that I can stand strong on my own.
It makes my fragile heart and mind stronger.
This is only possible because of that love.
Every moment, I grow within it.
When the harsh world tries to push me away,
it hides the deep fears and worries in my heart,
holding me close with a love so tender,
as if I were forever a soft, little child.
It embraces me deeply,
so that I don't have to feel that fear…
사랑이라 말함에 있어,
부모의 사랑만큼 크고 깊은 사랑이 또 있을까…
온 마음을 불태워 나를 날카롭게도 또 부드럽게도 빚어
단단하게 홀로 설 수 있게 만들어준다.
아주 여린 나의 심신을 더욱 강하게 만들어준다.
그건 그 사랑이 있어서 가능하다.
매순간 나는 그 사랑 안에 클 수 있다.
험난한 세상이 나를 밀어낼 때에
가슴 안에 지독한 두려움과 걱정을 숨기고
영원히 솜털같은 어린 아이인양
짙은 사랑으로 가슴 깊이 꼭 껴안아준다.
그 두려움을 느끼지 않도록…
Artist Story:
ISoo Jeon is a painter and writer who began his journey with his first children's book at the age of eight, publishing a total of 18 books. He aims to share his words and illustrations with more people, exerting a positive influence on society through his artistic endeavors, and he continues to engage with the community through his writing and art. He also places significant importance on his role as an environmental activist. In 2019, he opened a gallery called "Walking Wolves" in Jeju, dedicating efforts to help the Jeju Single Mothers Center and friends in Africa, striving to uphold valuable causes. This gallery hosts annual exhibitions on different themes, establishing itself as an important medium for making the world a little warmer.
ISoo Jeon presents captivating artworks with a unique sensibility and delicate touch, earning the affection of many. Visitors to his small gallery experience solace and inspiration. The artist's writings and illustrations provoke deep contemplation about the value of life, prompting reflections on significant moments, and resonate profoundly with viewers. His works convey messages of love and compassion, encouraging introspection on the relationships between humanity, nature, and society.
Size: 130.3 x 152.2cm
Material: Acrylic on wood
Year of completion: 2024
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