ISoo Jeon
Hug 포옹
Artist's curation:
When I greet people, I always give them a hug.
No matter who they are, I want to approach them closely, as one person.
In this way, we become a little closer,
and we become "us."
Our joys, struggles, and stories of living intertwine together.
난 사람들과 인사를 할 때 꼭 안아준다.
그 사람이 어떤 사람이건 상관없이, 한 사람으로 가까이 다가서고 싶음이다.
이로써 조금은 가까워지고, 우리가 된다.
서로의 즐거움과 힘듦과 살아가는 이야기들이 함께가 된다.
Artist Story:
ISoo Jeon is a painter and writer who began his journey with his first children's book at the age of eight, publishing a total of 18 books. He aims to share his words and illustrations with more people, exerting a positive influence on society through his artistic endeavors, and he continues to engage with the community through his writing and art. He also places significant importance on his role as an environmental activist. In 2019, he opened a gallery called "Walking Wolves" in Jeju, dedicating efforts to help the Jeju Single Mothers Center and friends in Africa, striving to uphold valuable causes. This gallery hosts annual exhibitions on different themes, establishing itself as an important medium for making the world a little warmer.
ISoo Jeon presents captivating artworks with a unique sensibility and delicate touch, earning the affection of many. Visitors to his small gallery experience solace and inspiration. The artist's writings and illustrations provoke deep contemplation about the value of life, prompting reflections on significant moments, and resonate profoundly with viewers. His works convey messages of love and compassion, encouraging introspection on the relationships between humanity, nature, and society.
Size: 72.7 x 100cm
Material: Acrylic on canvas
Year of completion: 2025
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