True Colors


“True Colors” is inspired and directed by “A Better Tomorrow”, a Hong Kong noir film. ⁠

Recalling the memories of our nostalgic movie “A Better Tomorrow” “True Colors” bring us to an atmosphere of the memory. The attractive main character and each character burn themselves to shine in the unique dark background. ⁠
In hopes, each Mandalaki illumination will emit “True Colors (本色)” in a dark hall. Dedicated in honor of the movie “A Better Tomorrow”. ⁠

*A film genre born in Hong Kong. The term is used to call crime movies that were pouring out of Hong Kong in the late 1980s and early 1990s in Korea. It was very popular at the time. ⁠

JULY 8th - AUG 8th, 2022

 SHOUT Hysan Place X The stroll gallery


Work in Exhibition