Kintsugi Workshop – The Stroll gallery x Toki Nashiki

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There is a common misconception that Kintsugi involves joining pieces with metal. In fact, Kintsugi is a technique in which raw lacquer (the sap of lacquer trees) is used to repair fragments or fill gaps. After drying, lacquer is solid, heat-resistant, acid-base-resistant, making it ideal for repairing food utensils and tableware.

| Open to all experience levels, learn the authentic Japanese art through traditional techniques, explore the beauty of imperfection as a new beginning.

Date & Time | February 15 & 22 (Wednesdays), 10am-12pm
Tuition | $1,600 HKD (material included)
Venue | The Stroll gallery, Unit 504, 5F, Vanta Industrial Centre, 21-23 Tai Lin Pai Rd, Kwai Chung
Language | English
No. of Students | 4-8



<Instructor Introduction>
As the co-founder of ceramic studio TOKI NASHIKI, Ryan Hui focuses much of their effort in the creation and promotion of functional wares handcrafted in ceramics, based on a strong belief that the goodness in life can be appreciated through the making and usage of functional pottery. Since 2016, Ryan has been actively teaching ceramics and holding exhibitions both locally and abroad. As a rising talent in the HK art scene, Ryan often works collaboratively with other professionals in order to extend their creative boundary.

<terms & notes>
1. Student must attend both days of the workshop. If Student must be absent or leave class, the paid workshop fee will be non-refundable and there will not be make-up classes.
2. Students have the option to bring their own broken ceramic or use the ceramics the instructor prepared.
3. If a student prepares their own ceramic, please check the material and condition of the pottery with Toki Nashiki before class.
4. Alternative gold powder is used.
5. Student should check health condition prior to the workshop, including allergies to lacquer or other materials. The Stroll gallery shall not be responsible for any problem that may arise.


日期 | 15/2 & 22/2 (星期三)
時間 | 10:00-12:00
學費 | $1,600 HKD
地點 | The Stroll Gallery
葵涌大連排道21-33號 宏達工業中心 5樓 504室
名額 | 4-8位


1. 參加者必須出席兩堂才能完成整個修補程序,若參加者因事不能出席其中一堂,本所不會提供補堂或退款。
2. 費用已包括所需材料及工具租用。
3. 參加者可自備要一件修補的器物,或使用导师提供的破损器物。
4. 若自备需修補器物,必须在课堂前先与导师确认的器物破損程度与材料。
5. 課程使用的為代金粉
6. 本課程全程使用純天然的生漆,依各人體質不同,學員有可能產生皮膚過敏現象,本所恕不負責。